Study Abroad Advising
Monday - Friday: 10 am - 4 pm
Location: 130 Lake Ontario Hall
Monday - Friday: 10 am - 4 pm

If these hours do not work for your schedule, please contact [email protected] to arrange an alternative meeting.
Online Advising
We are available for online advising appointments every weekday 10 am - 4 pm. To make an online advising appointment, please follow the Step-by-Step Breakdown below:
2. Once you have booked your appointment, expect to be contacted via email by a Peer Adviser who will be facilitating your appointment.
3. On the day and time of the appointment, log into your GVSU Gmail account and await a Zoom link from [email protected]. This request will arrive approximately 5 minutes before your appointment time.
4. Once you have received the request from [email protected], click the Zoom link and give access to your camera and microphone (if desired). The Peer Adviser will be able to instruct you from here and will advise you virtually.
- Have a pen and pencil handy for taking notes.
- Prepare engaging questions and your goals for Study Abroad prior to the appointment.
- Be in a quiet environment that allows you to hear and be heard.
- Remain attentive throughout the session (put the phone away!)
- Keep in mind the possible technological difficulties (such as lagging and disconnection) and be prepared to follow directions from the Peer Adviser facilitating your session.
Walk-In Advising
We are also available for Walk-In Advising during our Walk-In Hours: Weekdays 10 am - 4 pm.
For a Walk-In Appointment, simply stop by our office (130 Lake Ontario Hall) and let a Peer Adviser know that you are looking to be advised!
Questions or Concerns?
Contact [email protected], call (616) 331-3898, or stop by our office (130 Lake Ontario Hall)